Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Kill Switch For Facebook Apps

If you don't have any interest in Facebook apps (and, let's face it, many of them are suspect or just plain spammy), Facebook offers an option that works like a kill switch to keep Facebook apps and other websites from sharing or accessing your information: Turn off Platform.
Facebook Platform is the way games, applications, and websites are integrated with Facebook. It allows sharing of your information not just for the apps or sites you visit, but also allows your friends' Facebook apps to access your private data.
Although you can control app information sharing on an individual basis on Facebook, turning off Platform is the surest way to keep your Facebook information from being shared to any apps or sites.
Doing this, however, also means you won't be able to log into websites or apps using Facebook, and friends won't be able to share information with you through apps. Here's the warning Facebook gives about turning off Platform:

If you get too many CityVille notifications as it is, don't use any Facebook apps, and don't use it to log into other sites, you can turn off Platform by going to your Facebook privacy settings, then clicking the Edit button in the "Apps you use" section.

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